2023 Impact Report | Support for the Elderly

“At 90 years old, Mr. Gélinas found reading very difficult, even with a magnifying glass. As I showed him how to use the MegaVoice audio device, he realized that he would now be able to listen to God’s Word at any time and tears of joy streamed down his face. When he left, he said, still crying with joy: ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.’”
—Patrick Larouche, Quebec

Audio Scripture support for elderly Canadians rapidly expands


In 2020, the CBS pilot program to support elderly individuals in long-term care homes brought them large-print Scriptural resources, audio Scriptures and music played on a “MegaVoice”, an easy-to-use digital audio player.

This ministry is now growing quickly.

  • Hospices and hospitals with elder care and palliative units received material
  • We offer Scripture in more than 50 languages in addition to English and French
  • We distributed almost 900 devices
  • We commissioned the manufacturer to produce a CBS version that is easier to use for those with cognitive challenges

Thank you for your support. You are bringing the comfort of God’s Word to elderly people across Canada.

“My precious mother and late father were ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for many years. My mother always considered the Word of God to be vital to her walk with the Lord and she taught us early about the Gospel. Now when diminished eyesight makes it virtually impossible for her to read the Bible, the MegaVoice in Cree is a treasured gift reaching deep into her soul and spirit. She can now hear the Word of God that she dearly loves.” —Freddy Coon-Come, Mistassini, Quebec

Languages in demand

The most requested languages for audio Scriptures in addition to French and English are Arabic, Chinese, German, Hindi, Persian, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian, Tigrigna, and Cree.

Fast forward for Indigenous communities

The project now also serves Indigenous communities beginning with Cree and will soon add Inuktitut as we move towards the completion of the Inuktitut digital translation project.

2023 Annual Report

2023 IMPACT REPORT | Safe Passage

Read more inspiring stories, download the 2023 Impact Report.

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