Most of the time, children whose parents are in prison have a challenging time. What would their summers look like? This year, the Canadian Bible Society (CBS) partnered with the Prison Fellowship Canada’s Angel Tree Camping program to make a difference in the lives of these children.
When the pandemic increased isolation, Angel Tree offered a virtual camp experience for the children by sending them a Camp-In-A-Box (CIAB) which included the CBS Good News Interactive Youth Edition Bible.

Here is a heartwarming note from the National Director of Angel Tree.
“We wanted to say a heartfelt thank you on behalf of Prison Fellowship Canada’s Angel Tree Camping Program for your generous donations of Bibles for our Camp-In-A-Box (CIAB) this summer.
Every year we are so excited to arrange camping opportunities for Angel Tree kids on behalf of their mom or dad in prison. This year was an exciting, and occasionally challenging year for Angel Tree Camping, and we saw needs in the community which, at times, looked difficult to meet.
In God’s faithfulness, and through your help, we were able to support 43 children as they received a CIAB with a copy of the Good News Bible: Interactive Youth Edition.”

It is always a highlight of our year to hear the stories of Angel Tree Children upon their return from camp, or in this year’s case, after utilizing the items in their CIAB package. This quote comes from a caregiver in Ontario:
“Thank you very much for your generosity! We appreciate everything you do. We did the Bible studies, prayed and tried to memorize a verse together.”
Another caregiver said:
“I cannot thank your organization enough for this, it has made their summer bright. We’ve loved playing and using the box as a family.” Facilitating Christian “camping” experiences through CIAB for these precious children would not be possible without the generous and life-changing support of Canadian Bible Society’s contributions. These Bibles are a gift which will serve Angel Tree children and their families long after their week of activities is complete. May you be blessed in your ministry as you continue to serve the Kingdom through the delivery of Bibles.”
We are delighted the Good News Bible: Interactive Youth Edition was a source of joy to these children.