Read the latest from the Canadian Bible Society.
2023 Impact Report | Opening Doors to the Isolated and Excluded
CBS supports multi-year initiatives for translation, production and distribution of Scriptures for sign language users and those with visual impairments.
2023 Impact Report | Mohawk Bible Emerges from a Lifetime of Work
In many Indigenous Canadian communities, the translation of and engagement with the Scriptures is seen as strategic and valuable for the revitalization of language and culture. CBS is eager to collaborate and welcomes requests to engage in Scripture translation, publication, distribution, and engagement for Canada’s Indigenous communities.
2023 Impact Report | Trauma Healing Gains Momentum
In 2021, CBS introduced Bible-Based Trauma Healing in Canada. In 2022, it became known as the “Caring for the Wounded Heart” program and 30 multi-week groups were conducted, bringing healing to people’s hearts.
2023 Impact Report | Support for the Elderly
In 2020, the CBS pilot program to support elderly individuals in long-term care homes brought them large-print Scriptural resources, audio Scriptures and music played on a “MegaVoice”, an easy-to-use digital audio player.
2023 Impact Report | Hope amidst fear in a distressed Türkiye and Ukraine
By the end of the first year, 718,973 copies of Bibles, Gospels and other Scripture publications had been printed in Ukrainian and Russian, distributed in Ukraine and to refugees in several countries.
2023 Impact Report | God’s Word guides us safely through
From everyone at CBS and everyone we serve, thank you for making it possible for people all over the world to hear God speak to them, and experience their own “safe passage.”