We help people hear God speak
All our Scripture translation, publication and distribution efforts are about creating a moment of personal connection. Our work is a success at the instant when people hear God speak to them specifically, when the heart is flooded with light and hope.
Why we champion
the Bible?
For more than 100 years, we’ve been championing the Bible across the world, from prisons in Canada to churches in China.
The Bible shows us who God is and what he has done. As we read its words, we understand more of what God, in His love, requires from his people.
We believe that the Bible is the voice of God, revealing Jesus Christ, and transforming people’s lives by calling them to respond and follow Christ.

How we help you understand the Bible
Wherever you are on your journey with the Bible, our range of resources and study tools will help bring the Bible to life in your home, church, small group or community. You can explore the Bible.
You help God’s Word grow in the hearts of people
Often, simply receiving God’s Word in one’s own language can be life-transforming.
However, for many, life circumstances and experiences, along with cultural characteristics, can make it hard to engage with the Bible.
Turning Down
the Noise
That is why we work with an extensive network of ministry partners and churches who can help people open God’s Word and experience His voice.
Paving the Way
for the Word
We’re here to help. We long for everyone to hear God’s voice in the Bible. That’s why we produce special resources and create Bible engagement programs.