Cheques and Gifts of Securities
Discover the benefits of making a gift of publicly traded securities and how to donate using cheques.

Giving through cheques
To donate via cash or cheque, please mail it to 10 Carnforth Road, Toronto, ON, M4A 2S4. Make your cheque payable to Canadian Bible Society.
Donations of $10 or more are eligible for a tax credit. Tax receipts are automatically issued in February for donations of $10 or more for the previous calendar year. If you require a tax receipt prior to February, please contact 800-465-2425 or email at:
Gifts of Securities
By donating publicly traded shares or mutual funds to the Canadian Bible Society, you can realize the benefits of making a gift in a tax-savvy way.
Please instruct your broker to transfer the securities to the Canadian Bible Society’s brokerage account using the Gift of Securities form. Kindly inform us by sending a copy of the completed form to the Canadian Bible Society:
Mail: 10 Carnforth Rd., Toronto ON M4A 2S4
Fax: 416-757-3376
The Benefits
- You pay no tax on the capital gains that have accumulated on the securities.
- Your donation receipt will reflect the closing market value of the shares on the day that our brokers receive them.
- Your donation of securities can support a specific project in Canadian Ministries (Camps, Military or Prison Ministries, Newcomer’s Bible or more). Alternately, you may wish to designate your gift to International Projects, including translation projects worldwide.
Please note: Electronic transfers of securities can take up to 10 business days. To ensure that the transfer is completed by year-end and that you are eligible for an official receipt for income tax purposes, we recommend you instruct your broker on the transfer to ensure that the transaction is completed by December 31.