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Bible-based Trauma Healing
After work one day, Joram flagged down a passing car for a ride home. But the driver took him to a secluded area of the Syrian city where he lived and pulled out a gun.
“What is going to happen to me?” Joram thought. “God, please have mercy on me.”
Then the driver suddenly changed his mind and sped off. But the experience shook Joram to the core. He could not speak of it, but he was haunted by recurring nightmares of being shot instead of released.
After suffering in silence, Joram joined a Bible-based Trauma Healing group where he could share his frightening experience.

Through God’s Word, Joram encountered a loving God who is always near the broken-hearted and gave his life to Jesus.
Today, Joram is a completely different person. Once shy and timid, Joram is now a smiling, confident leader in his community.
This is the power of your gift of God’s Word to heal broken hearts and restore traumatized lives. Thank you for opening your heart to those in deep need and helping transform lives through the Bible.