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Threatened with death, Nadia was on the run…
Nadia was far from home and running for her life. She had lost her father and her home when militants attacked Mosul. Threatened with death if she refused to convert, Nadia left everything and fled to Jordan. She was grieving and angry.
That is where generous donors like you brought healing into her life through God’s Word.
In Jordan, Nadia was introduced to the Bible-based Trauma Healing program, and she was given a Bible. As Nadia read her Bible, her faith came alive. When she read John’s Gospel and the news of God’s saving grace, she was overwhelmed. With tears in her eyes, she said to a volunteer, “Persecution reawakened and deepened my faith in the Lord Jesus. I search for answers to my problems in the Bible, and I do not close the Bible until I find answers. My life has changed.”

Nadia lost everything, but the words of the Bible gave her hope for the future. She memorizes a Psalm every day. Her favourite is Psalm 27: “The LORD is my light and my salvation; I will fear no one…”
Thank you for your gift of strength and hope through God’s Word for refugees like Nadia.