word@work Issue 2 | 2024: Bringing Comfort to a Struggling Couple in Angola

“Sometimes, when I get depressed, God will speak to me through the audio Bible. The Bible is the only thing I really pick up to console myself.” — Jenna

We are so grateful for your generosity. You are providing the hope and strength of God’s Word to people like Jenna and Denis* in Angola, who are legally blind. “I lost my vision when I was twelve,” says Jenna. “It hasn’t been very easy being blind.”

Her husband, Denis, adds, “As a disabled person here in Angola, if you don’t have self-esteem, you end up right on the edge of the bridge.”

After Jenna lost her vision, she stopped going to school. It was just too difficult. And that has made it hard to find a job, and even harder to sustain her family.

God Speaks Through His Word

Jenna and Denis received Braille Bibles and an audio Bible, which provide the comfort and hope they need in the face of their difficulties.

“Sometimes, when I get depressed, God will speak to me through the audio Bible,” she says.

Man and woman with visual disability

“The Bible is the only thing I really pick up to console myself. I pick it up and listen to it from beginning to end. When I’m feeling stressed, I prefer to remain silent and listen to the Bible.”

Hope for Her Family

As a mother, Jenna is grateful for the gift of her audio Bible. “When my son needs something, and I don’t have it to give, the biblical passage that helps me is the one where Jesus Christ says, ‘Let the little children come to me,’” she says. “Then I give him a hug.”

Across all of our projects that serve people with visual disabilities, 98% of those who receive a Braille Bible report spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with God.

* Names changed

Please consider making a donation. Your gift can help place God’s Word and His message of hope in the hands of more believers like Jenna and Denis.

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