word@work Issue 2 | 2024: Canadian Newcomer Finds Peace and Hope in His Word

“I started to read the Bible and for the first time in my life, it was like God was speaking directly to me. The passages I read were exactly how I was feeling, and they made me feel peaceful and hopeful.” — Taniya

Taniya, a young Punjabi lady, moved to Canada when she was 23 to continue her post-secondary education in English. It was here that she found a CBS Bible on a table, free for the taking. This would be her first English Bible and the first time she would encounter true peace and joy.

For six months, depression, loneliness and worry stole Taniya’s joy and peace, and she began to wonder if she had made a mistake in coming to Canada. But everything changed recently when Taniya attended a clothing drive and food bank held by one of our partners, a women’s outreach organization. Taniya saw our CBS Bibles on a table and decided to discreetly – because she was afraid that one of her friends would see her and disapprove – take one home.

Bibles for newcomers

Today, Taniya is a devoted new believer and faithfully involved with a Christian community. When asked how the Bible had made a difference in her life she replied: “I started to read the Bible and for the first time in my life it was like God was speaking directly to me. The passages I read were exactly how I was feeling, and they made me feel peaceful and hopeful. Thank you for my Bible!”

Today, Taniya is a transformed person. Her depression has been transformed into joy. Her worry has been transformed into hope and her loneliness has disappeared.

Please consider making a donation. Your gift can help more Canadian newcomers find peace, hope and joy through His Word.

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