word@work Issue 2 | 2024: Youth Campers | Meeting God Through His Word

“Your Bibles were a huge blessing to us. Many staff shared about how your Bibles became like yearbooks: cabin mates signed them, and cabin leaders left written messages, with Scripture for each camper.”

Thank you for giving to Canadian Youth. You are helping young people hear God speak to them at camp.

Thanks to your continued generosity, Canadian youth are meeting God through the words of Scripture you have helped provide.

Each summer, the Canadian Bible Society engages with approximately 70 Bible camps all over Canada and distributes more than 14,000 Bibles to children and young people.

Here’s a note of thanks from one camp leader: “Your Bibles were a huge blessing to us. Many staff shared about how your Bibles became like yearbooks: cabin mates signed them, and cabin leaders left written messages, with Scripture for each camper. Our camp serves 80-90% unchurched kids, so we hand out many Bibles!”

Thanks again for investing in the future of Canada by providing Bibles to campers.

Canadian youth camp
Please consider making a donation. Your gift can help even more Canadian youths draw closer to God through His Word.

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