2023 Impact Report | Pressing Play on Digital Outreach

Scripture Untangled

Scripture Untangled

The CBS Scripture Untangled podcast brings influential voices from across Canada and beyond. They share the impact of Scripture in their own lives, and how they have wrestled with important questions of faith in Christ and the Word. By the end of 2022, 30 episodes were released, including the special episode on the life and faith of Queen Elizabeth II, and an episode with Anatoliy Raychynets, Deputy General Secretary of the Ukrainian Bible Society.

“On the CBS podcast, you talked about how Scripture gives strength. Listening to your story was encouraging, inspiring and practical. I loved the part about how Scripture came alive when you shared it in community. Your life verse: Isaiah 41:10! Thank you for being vulnerable and authentic! A reminder that God LOVES unconditionally, is WITH us and will never forsake us, no matter what.” — A response to the podcast with Melinda Estabrooks

The Word for Life Series

Church and ministry leaders are faced with the challenge of helping their congregations read the Bible, engage with it, find hope in it and understand it for themselves. This video interview series hosted by Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling delves into perspectives on the Bible as shared by Christian leaders and how it has influenced them over the years. We also hear about how they engage with the Bible and help their congregations stay connected to the Word. Five videos have been released to date.

The Word for Life Series
Preaching Workshop

The Bible Course Widens Its Reach

This eight-session course was introduced in 2020. By the end of the year, it had impacted more than 5,000 people across Canada.

“Our family, through the eight sessions, discovered a captivating overview of the Bible story. All of us found this edifying course provided an invaluable framework of God’s actions and plans, which has spring boarded into a deeper study and understanding of God and His Word. We are confident others will have the same fulfilling experience.” — A family from Redwood Park Church, Thunder Bay

CBS Preaching Workshop

CBS kicked off its preaching workshop series with the “Preaching Advent” workshop in Vancouver. Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling and Pastor Elita Friesen (The Way Church) provided in-depth teaching on the lectionary texts for the 1st and 2nd Sundays of Advent while Rev. Heather Joy James, Aaron Miller, and Daniel Martin led in worship.

2023 Annual Report

2023 IMPACT REPORT | Safe Passage

Read more inspiring stories, download the 2023 Impact Report.

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