Overcomers is a Bible-based, 12-step recovery and support program designed to guide individuals toward freedom from life-controlling problems. Groups meet online or in person. In the past year, many ministries and churches began turning to CBS Overcomers as a resource for those facing challenges such as behavioural addictions, substance abuse, emotional challenges and interpersonal problems.

“The problem of addiction is so large that we need a mobilized ‘army’ to address it. The Overcomers material given to us by CBS is just the tool for us to equip and mobilize that ‘army.’” — Reed Fleming, Threshold House, Saint John, NB
“The Lord has used CBS to renew the program material in an even more accessible and relatable format, which has borne even more fruit. [Overcomers] is truly a redemptive miracle of God and a fulfillment of His promises on all levels!” — Marcello Fracassi, former group member and experienced Overcomers facilitator
“Overcomers helped foster a sense of community and created a safe space where our church and neighbourhood friends could come and be raw-honest with each other about our struggles with addiction, anger, pornography, insecurity, pride and other destructive habits and thought patterns. I look forward to seeing how God will continue to use this ministry in the future of our church.” — Nathan Maskery, Lead Pastor, Transformation Church, Thunder Bay, ON
“We are still learning together, but I am confident that Overcomers will continue to grow in our local context and remain an effective tool for people in our congregation and surrounding communities to find freedom from life-controlling issues through the power of Jesus Christ.” — A.J. Dalgleish, Young Adults & Discipleship Pastor, Lakemount Worship Centre, Grimsby, ON
“This adaptation of the [12-step program from AA] is perfect for our inmate population. The spiritual component of the course is backed solidly with the Scriptures. It does not give a mere casual reference to Christian teachings but builds a foundation of thought and practice that will lead to victorious living in other areas of life.” — Rev. Dr. Bruce North, Correctional Chaplain

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