“We’re living through exceptional times in Cuba. The need for Bibles is urgent.” —Alain Montano, General Secretary, Bible Society of Cuba

In the last decade of the 20th century, 10,000 house churches sprang up across Cuba despite persecution. Today, the number of Christians in Cuba has doubled, and more than two million women, men and children have found Jesus Christ. Yet there are not enough Bibles to meet the growing demand, and it costs too much for most Cuban believers to buy their own copy. Church leaders estimate that over one million Cuban Christians don’t have a Bible.
ONE BIBLE, ONE VERSE, ONE MAN Alejandro* grew up in violence and plunged into a life of crime. First jailed at age 18 for gang activity, he was later sentenced to 13 years for murder. In prison, he set up a shrine to numerous idols and added the Bible his mother gave him. Eventually, he began to read it, and a Christian outreach worker pointed him to Joshua 1:9. “It made me understand that God had chosen me and had a plan for me.” He began praying and hearing of others with criminal pasts now serving God. “That gave me hope that God could change me. I believed God forgave me, and I accepted Jesus. I forgave those who harmed me. I received forgiveness for my sins. I started receiving peace and hope.” Eventually, Alejandro was released after serving seven years. Today, Alejandro works at a hospital. He has a house church in his home and also reaches out to 30 of his nephews and nieces, giving them illustrated Bibles and holding monthly activities. “God lifted me with His hands. I now only focus on God.”
*Name changed for privacy

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