“People are thankful for visual materials that let them learn things they did not know before, such as whether God really exists.” — A church leader in Lithuania

The 70 million-strong Deaf community is one of the largest groups still unreached by the gospel. Members are often neglected, isolated or even abused. Their language may be unrecognized, resources scarce, and literacy rates low.
With your support, the silence is broken, and a whole new world opens for Deaf people. Telling a Scripture story in sign language requires multiple presenters. Other elements are studio time and recording, editing, production and distribution technology. Videos are distributed via YouTube, on USB drives and DVDs.
In several countries, parents send their Deaf children to workshops where teachers use sign language literacy materials featuring Biblical values.
- Deaf Christians better understand the gospel and can share their faith.
- Deaf people can access the Word of God more easily and efficiently.
- More Churches have a ministry in the Deaf community.
- More people become aware of the needs of the Deaf community.
- Deaf people are empowered to minister to others.
CUBA: In March 2023, Deaf Cuban Christians received the Gospel of Luke on USB drives. Next comes Acts 1-12, with a target to complete all 28 chapters by 2026.
BOLIVIA: Work continues on ten stories from the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, including painstaking training of translators and interpreters to ensure accuracy and relevance.
LITHUANIA: Through the Bible Society, Catholic and Protestant churches collaborate to produce and distribute DVDs and upload Lithuanian sign language portions online for free use.
GUATEMALA: A significant 2023 achievement was forming a team of 10 Deaf volunteers who will soon complete the Gospel of Mark.
THAILAND: Sign language translation work is focused on Genesis, Jonah and Acts as churches reach out to the Deaf community with the news of God’s love for them.

Rejoice! Pray! Give Thanks!
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