“If I did not read this book, I would not know God. I would still be lost. The Bible means everything to me. God speaks to me when I read it.” — Deyu, a farm worker from Rural China

The church in China is growing at a stunning rate. But millions lack a copy of God’s Word. You are part of distributing affordable Bibles to millions in China.
- A free Bible is an investment in personal discipleship, church growth and evangelism.
- The lack of Scriptures has led to one of the most significant challenges confronting the church in China right now—the infiltration of false teachings, especially in rural areas where God’s Word is scarce, leaving new Christians susceptible.
- Our donations help provide paper for printing, and provide complete Bibles to people who have no hope of affording their own.
- In 2023, more than 400,000 Bibles were printed on paper paid for by Bible Society donors worldwide, radically reducing the cost.
- You helped distribute more than 40,000 free Bibles.
CHONGQING, CHINA—ZHAO PINGXIAN, A 75-YEAR-OLD FARMER, lives in the quiet countryside of rural China, where rolling hills paint a serene landscape beneath the vast sky. As she sought meaning and solace in a life of hardship, she turned to deceptive cults and fortune tellers. At one point, pain confined her to bed. Unable to tend to her crop, she sank into despair. However, some Christian women shared the gospel with Zhao, and God began to heal her wounded spirit. She found refuge in the church, a community offering love and the promise of a merciful Redeemer. That promise became increasingly real to Zhao when she received her first Bible, and she began reading it early every day. “The burden of my past struggles started to lighten, replaced by a newfound sense of joy and contentment found in God’s Word,” she said.

Rejoice! Pray! Give Thanks!
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