ALBANIA: Bible Olympics Scripture Engagement

Albania - Bible Olympics
Once declared “the world’s first atheist state,” Albania banned all forms of religious expression for decades while under the communist regime. When the nation emerged from the suffocating grip of communism in the 1990s, it faced a new struggle – a mass exodus driven by economic despair.

Today, amidst the rubble of shattered ideologies, decades of enforced atheism combined with the vast loss of skilled workers have left scars on the nation’s soul. People are desperate for a better life but do not know where to find hope for their future.

However, within the disillusionment, a flicker of faith burns. There is a growing interest among the younger generations in the message of the Bible, and the Albanian Church has launched an innovative program to nurture this flame with God’s Word.


25% of Albania’s population is under the age of 15.


40% of Albania’s population have left the country and now live outside its borders.


Albania is considered “minimally reached” with the Gospel, with only 17% identifying as Christian (often nominally).

Scripture Engagement through the Bible Olympics

  • ​The Bible Olympics Scripture Engagement project is a transformative initiative that fosters a deeper connection with the Scriptures among children and young people by engaging them in a meaningful exploration of the Bible through competition and group study.
  • Structured small groups meet regularly throughout the year in preparation for larger “Olympic” competitions, cultivating a sense of community and encouraging youth to invite their friends.
  • Increased Bible reading and understanding, strengthened cooperation within the church community, and deeper encounters with God’s Word are transforming young lives.

“The Bible Olympics has become the favourite activity at camp, even surpassing the popularity of sports among the children and youth!”

~ Bible Society report

​The Bible Olympics works! The Albanian church is successfully reaching children and youth with the Scriptures, but resources are scarce. Your generosity today will put God’s Word in the hands of Albania’s future torchbearers to guide them out of the darkness and into a future filled with hope and purpose.

The Bible Olympics works! The Albanian church is successfully reaching children and youth with the Scriptures, but resources are scarce. Your generosity today will put God’s Word in the hands of Albania’s future torchbearers to guide them out of the darkness and into a future filled with hope and purpose.