Results for "Lent"

Lent Devotional | Palm Sunday | Embracing the Emotional Mosaic

Lent Devotional | Palm Sunday | Embracing the Emotional Mosaic

As we celebrate Palm Sunday, it is no secret that we are all feeling a juxtaposition of emotions. I find hope in how Jesus made space for His emotions. I find space for deep belly filled laughs and soul crushing wails, knowing Jesus himself, on some of the most grueling of days, made space to feel. 

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2024 Lent Journey

2024 Lent Journey

This exclusive series of devotions by Canadian guest authors explores how to draw strength from the Word, find solace in prayer, and cultivate a resilient hope that mirrors what Christ found in the darkest hours of the Cross.

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Lent Devotional | Ash Wednesday: Hope in Brokenness

Lent Devotional | Ash Wednesday: Hope in Brokenness

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent: a season of rest, reflection, repentance, reconciliation, and restoration. It is a time to slow down from our fast-paced lifestyle and find hope and healing in Christ in the midst of our own brokenness.

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