Advent Journey

Can We Find Joy in Hope?

Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour!”

Luke 1:46-47

During my university days in Cape Town, I taught a Sunday School class of young teenagers. On one occasion I asked the class, “What was Mary expecting with the birth of her son?” One bright student replied, “She was in it for the gifts!”. Well, not withstanding the joy she must have received with the gold, frankincense, and myrrh, I think there was something else of greater importance that grasped her, and that was joy. What was the source of her joy and how can it inspire us in our own walk with God?

In addition to giving birth and the joy of being a mother, Mary knew that there was a greater force at work in her life than childbirth. As a faithful Israelite, she was waiting for God to do something unique and special. Many of those who preceded her waited patiently for God to act, to liberate Israel and all of humanity. The prophets Zechariah, Zephaniah and Haggai felt they needed to prepare the people by building a temple for a messiah. The prophet Isaiah believed all nations would come to God’s self-revelation. In the Jewish Targum there was the hope of a liberator or God’s vice-regent. Even in the Dead Sea Scrolls (11Q13), there is the record of a “God-like being who has taken His place in the council of God.” Mary believed that God would come in a special way. But now it was revealed to her that the ‘hope of the ages’ was being born through her.

Her response to this was unmitigated joy, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” God was giving the world the ultimate gift of His Son who would transform the world, liberate the oppressed, inaugurate a new Aeon, and save a lost humanity. If this was not a cause for joy, what is?

This Advent, I hope we will all share in Mary’s joy. Though our times may be fraught with immense challenges globally and personally, may we choose to be joyful in the hope that Jesus offers. As the Apostle Paul implored, “Be joyful in hope” (Romans 12:12). Was Mary in it for the gifts? Yes, but the gift was God’s redemption!

Andrew Stirling

Andrew Stirling
CBS Ambassador


Father God, sometimes I find it challenging to find joy in hope. When the wait feels long and forever, through your Word, please remind me of your love so that I may choose joy over despair and hope over hopelessness.


Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” During moments when despair seems to take over, revisit this verse and allow the Holy Spirit to fill your heart with joy.