Your gift of just
$10 provides a Bible!

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Help provide the life-changing gift of God’s Word

The gift of a Bible helped transform Leticia’s life from one of suffering to one of hope in Christ.

We hope every child has the opportunity to experience this change. By working together, we can raise $70,000 to put Bibles in the hands of 7,000 girls and offer them the support of a caring group of friends.

Your gift of God’s Word changes lives. Just $10 provides a Bible!

Please respond as generously as you are able today. Each Bible you give — for just $10 — will provide a girl with a source of wisdom and strength that comes from God Himself.

Thank you for opening your heart to girls in need and sharing our belief in the life-changing potential of God’s Word.

Note: Donations received after goal is met will be used where most needed.

To donate via cheque, please make your cheque payable to Canadian Bible Society, and mail it to 10 Carnforth Road, Toronto, ON, M4A 2S4. Donations of $10.00 or more will be receipted immediately for online donations, and at year-end for telephone and mail donations.

Your gift of God’s Word changes lives. Just $10 provides a Bible!

Please respond as generously as you are able today. Each Bible you give — for just $10 — will provide a girl with a source of wisdom and strength that comes from God Himself.

Thank you for opening your heart to girls in need and sharing our belief in the life-changing potential of God’s Word.

Note: Donations received after goal is met will be used where most needed.

To donate via cheque, please make your cheque payable to Canadian Bible Society, and mail it to 10 Carnforth Road, Toronto, ON, M4A 2S4. Donations of $10.00 or more will be receipted immediately for online donations, and at year-end for telephone and mail donations.