Your gift MATCHED to provide 2x the Bibles in China.

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Multiply your impact 2x. Give a Bible – just $10 each!

“The Bible has transformed my entire family … it is more valuable to me than silver or gold.”

Across China, we know that an estimated one million new followers of Jesus are joining the Church every year. Each of these new believers seeks a Bible. But most of them earn less than $60 a month and some of them cannot afford to buy the few Bibles that are available.

You can change that. Multiply your impact 2x — with your gift of a Bible today.

Your gift matched to DOUBLE in impact

It costs so little — just $10 — to provide a Bible and bring the light of God’s Word into the lives of more people today.

Please respond now to DOUBLE your impact and give the precious gift of a Bible to twice as many people in China.

Note: Donations received after goal is met will be used where most needed.

To donate via cheque, please make your cheque payable to Canadian Bible Society, and mail it to 10 Carnforth Road, Toronto, ON, M4A 2S4. Donations of $10.00 or more will be receipted immediately for online donations, and at year-end for telephone and mail donations.

Your gift matched to DOUBLE in impact

It costs so little — just $10 — to provide a Bible and bring the light of God’s Word into the lives of more people today.

Please respond now to DOUBLE your impact and give the precious gift of a Bible to twice as many people in China.

Note: Donations received after goal is met will be used where most needed.

To donate via cheque, please make your cheque payable to Canadian Bible Society, and mail it to 10 Carnforth Road, Toronto, ON, M4A 2S4. Donations of $10.00 or more will be receipted immediately for online donations, and at year-end for telephone and mail donations.