Christmas Gifts for Isolated Indigenous Communities

Winter in Canada can be harsh especially for remote communities. With the pandemic into its second year and rising inflation, many Indigenous communities will feel a heightened sense of isolation.

In December 2021, CBS along with Crossroads First Peoples Voices provided Bibles and Scripture resources to families and children in 122 Indigenous communities across Canada. The list of resources was arrived at based on requests from the community leaders.

Aligned with CBS’ strategic pillars, Lives at Risk, Faith at Risk, Next Generation, and Deeper Faith, this initiative has brought joy and hope to the Indigenous communities.


Sandra Apsassin from Blueberry River First Nation was delighted to receive her gifts and got right into the spirit of giving with her hat! She sorted the gifts and handed them out to families in most need. Blueberry River is a small Beaver/Cree community along the Alaska Highway in northern BC.

Lives are at risk in isolated Indigenous communities, as seen by the high rates of suicide, particularly among younger people. By providing Bibles and Christian literature, as well as colouring books and other items that give children respite during the long winters, CBS is helping them hear God speak.

Woman's eyes
Woman's eyes

Sandra Apsassin from Blueberry River First Nation was delighted to receive her gifts and got right into the spirit of giving with her hat! She sorted the gifts and handed them out to families in most need. Blueberry River is a small Beaver/Cree community along the Alaska Highway in northern BC.

Lives are at risk in isolated Indigenous communities, as seen by the high rates of suicide, particularly among younger people. By providing Bibles and Christian literature, as well as colouring books and other items that give children respite during the long winters, CBS is helping them hear God speak..

Woman's eyes

Marsha (left), an elementary school literacy teacher with Elsie Welch (right), a missionary from Duncan, BC who travels to Kinngait (formerly Cape Dorset) NU twice a year. Marsha was excited to receive 144 Christmas Activity Bibles and handed them over to grades 3-7 before Christmas.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” Thessalonians 5:11

Woman's eyes

Marsha (left), an elementary school literacy teacher with Elsie Welch (right), a missionary from Duncan, BC who travels to Kinngait (formerly Cape Dorset) NU twice a year. Marsha was excited to receive 144 Christmas Activity Bibles and handed them over to grades 3-7 before Christmas.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” Thessalonians 5:11

Children with scriptures

More Christmas Stories

Due to multiple COVID outbreaks, many communities in Keeseekoowenin, MB didn’t have Christmas parties which made getting gifts to families more difficult. However, thanks to CBS’ partnership with Crossroads, they could get all items in time for Christmas and happy stories are still pouring in!

Children with Scriptures

Late Spring VBS Camp

When Covid played spoilsport, nobody off-reserve could visit the Metis community of St. George and the Cree community of Buffalo River over Christmas. Our partners didn’t give up and waited until late spring to do a Vacation Bible Study camp for both communities. The children loved the puzzle books!

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