Holy Week Devotional | Easter Sunday

The Promise of Resurrection

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

As Mary Magdalene experienced on Easter Sunday, I do not always recognize Jesus in my personal moments.

On the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Jesus completed all the work the Father sent him to do. Jesus lived in the world undoing the works of the Enemy. He died, rose again from the dead, and conquered sin and death. He made a way for us then and is with us now. 

Often, it is in hindsight that I realize Jesus has gone ahead of me and is with me in my present circumstances. He has made a way for us to have a relationship with our Father in Heaven and to have full and abundant lives today (John 10:10).

Because of Jesus’ work in life and death, we can approach our loving Father, just as we are – in all our brokenness and ugliness.  In contrast, the Bible describes a woman, who was hemorrhaging for over 10 years, was filled with fear and anxiety about encountering Jesus (Luke 8:43-48).  She believed Jesus had the power to heal and desperately wanted to touch Him. Feeling unworthy, she attempted to access Jesus’ healing power anonymously.  Jesus healed her and equally important, He called her out of the crowd, commended her faith, and accepted her. We on the other hand do not have to feel unworthy approaching our Heavenly Father. We have the joy and security knowing that He loves us and desires to give us good gifts when we ask (Matthew 7:11).        

There is no shortage of hardships and suffering: the global pandemic, Ukraine-Russian war, personal heartaches, unfulfilled dreams, illness, suffering, and loss.  Life, at times, can be too much to handle by ourselves without hope.

It is difficult to see Jesus in these challenging times and continue to hope for the abundant life Jesus promised. Yet, Jesus has paved the way and laid a clear path for us.  Because of the resurrection, suffering, pain, death, and heartache are all finite and will end. 

The Enemy’s days are indeed numbered. 

Nightbirde, a Christian singer who struggled and succumbed to cancer, said “you can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.” Whether our prayers are answered during our time on earth or afterward in heaven, we have hope and strength in Jesus. 

One day God’s will, “will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”.  Until such day, let us recognize Jesus is with us and for us, in all circumstances.  We always have hope and strength in Jesus because He is working out all things for the good of those who love Him (Rom 8:28).

Alexandra Lee

Alexandra Lee

Consultant, Impact Investor


Lord Jesus, there are times when I feel broken and hopeless. Remind me that with your suffering on the cross and resurrection, you have made a way for me and are with me now.


Remember a time in your life when you had lost hope. Remind yourself that Jesus rose from the dead, to give you hope and to show you that the light of resurrection outshines all darkness.