God’s Word, freely given, eagerly received

Our digital ministry touched people under pressure

Bible on phone

As soon as the world recognized we were in a pandemic, CBS began making available digital resources that many turned to for comfort, strength, and direction. The speed with which people began downloading and using these Bible resources greatly surprised us.

We thank our donors for making this possible, and we thank God for reports of the impact they made on people who were able to hear God’s voice in a very fresh and accessible way.

“I just wanted to say thank you. I’m going through a tough time at the moment and reading today’s passage and notes brought me great encouragement.”

Words of Comfort

A selection of 52 Scripture passages that provide essential wisdom and guidance from our Creator, and speaks to our fear, our hurt, and our hunger for hope. Launched only 2 weeks after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, it has been downloaded almost 16,000 times.

Words of Encouragement

A follow-up to Words of Comfort, the Words of Encouragement selection was released in March this year and was downloaded 700 times that month alone.

Daily Manna

This monthly collection of carefully selected Bible verses provides daily inspiration and reaches as many as 47,000 people each month.

Daily Bible Reading Guide

312,498 Daily Bible Reading guides were distributed in 2020, in both print and digital formats. They were produced in English, French, Inuktitut, Naskapi, and in other local languages for sister Bible Societies.

The Word for Families

The Word for Families is a series of fun story booklets that help children, youth and families engage with the Scriptures together. These booklets are free to download and can be printed at home. In just two months – February and March of this year – they were downloaded more than 1,400 times.

Christmas and Lenten Devotionals

Seasonal devotionals and writings by a variety of authors, augmented with videos, were offered to as many as 11,000 households.


We released 22 new videos in 2020, for a variety of ages. Three videos of people proclaiming the Psalms were especially popular – the reading of Psalm 91 (in English or French) was watched more than 205,000 times.


CBS campaigns on social media and TV using video and a compelling message drew more than 144,000 views, pointing readers and viewers to a selection of free resources.

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