Pray for peace,
protection and comfort


‘Pray for us’ says Bible Society of Ukraine

Latest updates from the Bible Society of Ukraine

Updates and thanks from the Bible Society of Ukraine as they prepare to deliver food, Bibles and other provisions to people in need.

Thank you so much friends.
God bless you and stay with us in prayer.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your compassion and your generosity.
We ask God to bless everybody who contributed.

April 3, 2022 | Updates from Bible Society of Ukraine

A few days ago, a caravan of vans – that were transporting humanitarian aid and Scriptures received from the Ukraine Bible House to Chernihiv – was shelled. Three drivers were injured (two of them gravely) and four vehicles destroyed. However, this has not stopped believers and churches from continuing to bring physical and spiritual help to those in desperate need.


Update: two days after the incident, the drivers got in touch with the Bible Society of Ukraine and shared that they were feeling better, and that their survival was  a miracle from God.

A local church in a village close to Kyiv organized a shelter for elderly people – who were just evacuated from and freed from Hostomel and Vorzel – where they were provided with food and a place to stay.

Words of Comfort in Ukrainian

Lives have been upended.

Even amidst the chaos and uncertainty, people are in desperate need of the hope of God’s Word.

In addition to translating, typesetting, and printing Words of Comfort in Ukrainian (a booklet of 52 Scripture passages that speak to our fear, our hurt, and our hunger for hope), we have also sent out four children’s activity leaflets in Ukrainian to the Bible Societies in the region so they can print them for distribution among displaced and refugee children.

A few days ago, a pastor from a provincial town in Central Ukraine visited our office. He asked for Bibles and when we told him; unfortunately, we don’t have anything left, he asked whether we had any defective Bibles. “Even with half pages missing or damaged, he said, these Bibles would be of immense value to people my congregation serves!” It was a truly heart-breaking moment to us!

~ Oleksandr Babiychuk, General Secretary, Ukrainian Bible Society

More Updates from the Bible Society of Ukraine

March 30, 2022 | Updates from Bible Society of Ukraine

Pastor Viacheslav Khramov has been leading the prayer team that has been meeting every morning at the Kharkiv central square for the last 8 years. In fact, the prayer team continued to pray together at the square even after the war broke out, despite shelling and heavy fighting. On the March 1st, after the team had just finished their prayers and left, a huge rocket destroyed the government building located on that square. Thankfully the prayer team were all unharmed. For safety reasons the prayer team stopped meeting at the square over the past few weeks. However, Pastor Viacheslav and his church continue to support local people with food, humanitarian aid and the sharing of the Gospel. They welcome the local inhabitants and bring aid to bomb shelters in several metro stations, schools and cellars where people seek safety from the shelling.

March 28, 2022 | Updates from Bible Society of Ukraine

For days, this brave woman and her family were held captives in a village not far from Kyiv. They were able to get to safety four days ago, but she still feels the pressure of the rifle on her back from when she was forced to lay on the ground and held at gun point.

In this video, she exclaims: “Thank you to all countries, thank you to all people, thank you to God – for helping us! Our hope is in God, in His help – to bring us all together, and for peace on the planet. We would all sit together around a table, laughing and smiling! I wish you health and God’s protection! God’s protection to all of us! Thank you!”

March 25, 2022 | Updates from Bible Society of Ukraine

In partnership with a church in Lviv we visited the military hospital for wounded soldiers and brought them camouflage Bibles. For precautionary reasons their faces have been blurred out, so unfortunately you cannot see the sincere smiles that are shining on their faces.

“After I experienced all of the horrors of the war, God opened Himself to me, led me to believe in His existence. I am so thankful to Him that I am here, alive, and for the Bible I received. I hope I am standing at the beginning of my spiritual path.” – Artem, 25

“When I was under the artillery shelling, I asked God to protect me, asked that the missile wouldn’t hit my shelter, I experienced something that I would never forget. This brought me closer to Him. Since then, I have been asking Him to protect my life and He always hears me. Now, at the hospital here, I met folks who explained to me what had actually happened to me and gave me the Bible.” – Vladyslav, 24

“When I was 19, my friend kept talking to me about God, Jesus Christ and the Bible. But now, when I am 23, because of this war, God has truly touched my heart.” – Dmytro, 23

March 16, 2022 | Updates from Bible Society of Ukraine

A little respite: In the crowded Lviv station in Ukraine, a little boy is seen watching a video on a phone.

The long wait: As people are fleeing Ukraine, an elderly woman waits at the Lviv train station.

In this video shared by the Ukraine Bible Society, the Kyiv team is seen bringing physical and spiritual food to a local self-defense unit. Together, they said the Lord’s Prayer, read from Matthew 26 and held communion.

March 13, 2022 | The Ukraine Bible Society is fully operational, risking their lives as they share God’s Word with those who desperately need it.

The situation in Mariupol is a humanitarian catastrophe – bringing aid or evacuating people has still not been possible. Their teams in Kyiv and Lviv are helping with evacuation, aid distribution, receiving the displaced and bringing Bibles.

Rupen Das, President, CBS said, “God has enabled the Bible Society to address the spiritual needs while others respond to other critical needs.” Michael Perreau, UBS Director General asks us to lift to God our brothers and sisters and ask Him to protect them as they share His Word with traumatized people.

This video shows members of the Ukrainian Bible Society team who visited the evacuation point in Irpin and helped women, children and elderly people move to safety.

The Church of Christ the Saviour in the Ukraine created this video of people (who are staying in cellars and shelters) reading Psalm 31. Our partners at the Bible Society of Ukraine shared this beautiful video.

March 9, 2022 | The Ukraine Bible Society spokesperson said the situation remains very tense with air-raid alarms blaring in numerous cities and heavy fights continuing in several places.

He said that the Bible Society staff are all safe and requested prayers especially for Mariupol which is encircled. According to the deputy mayor, more than 1,200 people have died there over the past two weeks.

The Bible Society teams are trying to serve as much as they can. The Kyiv Bible Society team has been working tirelessly to help churches and people, helping with evacuation from Irpin, bringing food and other aid, along with the Bibles.

As more and more people are arriving in Lviv, the team is busy supporting volunteers in practical needs and providing Bibles.

Let’s continue to pray for Ukraine. “Praise be to the Lord, for he showed me the wonders of his love when I was in a city under siege.” Psalm 31: 21

Anatoliy says, “In spite of sirens, our brethren are loading the humanitarian aid just received.”

March 7, 2022 | A Ukrainian Bible Society spokesperson said his colleague Anatoliy’s team that some people are now calling ‘Angels of Kyiv’ is tirelessly bringing physical and spiritual food to people stranded in bomb shelters, hospitals, orphanages, and elderly people’s homes.

In Kharkiv, where shelling was especially severe, his colleagues managed to move an elderly mother to a safer place in a cellar of a local church. She was left without care since all neighbors left and was in a desperate situation living very close to where shelling takes place.

The Ukrainian Bible Society spokesperson said they visited several local hospitals and got a list of basic medicines that are urgently required in maternity wards.

In Lviv, people are working without rest to assist local churches / volunteer organizations with Scriptures and with logistics; he added.

All Bible Society staff continue to be safe.

Let’s continue praying for Ukraine. “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” Psalm 31:24

The Bible Society of Ukraine filmed this video of Scriptures and food being prepared for delivery to the affected people in Ukraine.

March 4, 2022 | Even amidst the crisis, people continue praying in Ukraine. A spokesman for the Bible Society of Ukraine said, “we continue praising the Lord for a new day here in Ukraine!”

He said that all Bible Society staff are safe.

He added, “In Kharkiv, lots of areas are still without power, last night was very troubled so most people stayed in shelters.”

Despite the dangerous situation, local churches and volunteers in Southern Ukraine continue serving people in need.

He said, “our team in Kyiv continue bringing physical and spiritual food to people in need – Christians from the Western Ukraine sent fresh bread and food.”

The Ukrainian Bible Society spokesperson requests our prayers, “Please continue praying and thank you wholeheartedly for upholding our whole nation!”

March 2, 2022 | St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv, Ukraine
Church and other religious organizations leaders gather in prayer.

March 3, 2022 | Updates from Bible Society of Ukraine

The Bible Society of Ukraine filmed this video of New Testaments and children’s Bibles being prepared for delivery to hospitals and shelters.

February 28, 2022 | Updates from Bible Society of Ukraine

Scriptures and humanitarian aid supplies being brought to bomb shelters in Ukraine.

February 25, 2022 | A Ukrainian Bible Society spokesperson said, ‘Please continue praying for peace in our country, for the governments on both sides that their hearts are influenced by the Holy Spirit, pray for our soldiers who are sacrificing their lives to protect their homeland.’

He added, ‘Also pray for church leaders and especially ministers to remain strong mentally and physically as they carry the message of hope and encouragement.’

Currently, all Bible Society staff are accounted for, though there are concerns for those who live in areas close to the fighting.

He said, ‘It is crucial that we continue providing support for our churches and people, with Bibles’.