Scriptures for the Visually Impaired

Braille and Audio Bibles
The Canadian Bible Society (CBS) is committed to making the Bible accessible for the visually impaired and distributes Scriptures free of charge to them in various formats, such as large-print Bibles and audio Bibles (CD, Megavoice audio player).
Request a Braille or Audio Bible
If you are registered with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), you can have access to the Bible In a format accessible to you for free. Please contact to request yours.
How is CBS Addressing Special Needs for Scripture?
- Braille and audio Bibles for the visually impaired
- Special Bible for the Canadian Forces, designed to match their uniform camouflage pattern, and to fit into uniform pockets.
- Adventure for Life and Youth Bibles provided for children and youth at summer camps in Canada.
- Greek and Hebrew Scriptures for seminary students.
- Bibles for a wide variety of special occasions in local churches.
1.5 million Canadians identify as having loss of sight.
“We deliver God’s Word to the sharp edge of ministry, where people live and work, where they suffer and are helped, where they imagine their future and make life choices. Wherever people lift up God’s name to those in need, or worship together, or seek truth, hope, and salvation, we deliver.”
~ Rupen Das, Executive Director of the Canadian Bible Society
Your gifts can help make the Bible accessible for the visually impaired.