EGYPT: Scriptures for Children-in-need and their Families

During the pandemic, many Egyptian families fell into financial crisis. As they turned to the church for practical and spiritual support, the Egyptian Church became overwhelmed providing for the basic needs of those in the community. Families cried out for hope and comfort that only the Bible can provide, but the church had no resources left to supply them with God’s Word.
Despite its economic difficulties, the Church in Egypt continues to reach out with God’s Word to disadvantaged children and families all over the country, especially those marginalized for their Christian faith. Today, Egyptian churches desperately require affordable spiritual resources they can pass on to families in need of hope for their future.
Over 40% of the population in Egypt is below poverty and lives on less than $2 per day.
6 million people live with food insecurity and cannot satisfy their basic food needs.
200,000 Egyptian children living in poverty will receive the Scriptures and find hope and dignity through God’s Word.
Scriptures for Poor Children and Their Families
Scriptures for Children-in-need and their Families supplies the under-resourced Egyptian church with Bibles and Scripture portions. These resources help the church organize Bible-centric activities, festivals, and studies, to provide spiritual support and comfort to children.
While teaching them how to engage with God’s Word, this project also provides a sense of community to Christian children in Egypt marginalized for their faith.
“This project was important under normal circumstances. It is crucial for the Churches of Egypt today.”
The lack of resources in Egyptian churches means they are in danger of being unable to fulfill the deep spiritual and social needs of children in poverty. Your gift today will empower the church to give the hope and comfort of God’s Word to disadvantaged families across the nation.