PERU: Matsigenka Bible Translation and Revision

Many Matsigenka do not speak Spanish, and the lack of indigenous Scriptures means followers of Jesus are unable to access or understand the significance of God’s Word without the help of a translator. This scarcity of Matsigenka Bibles has also left new believers vulnerable to the influence of surrounding animist religions.
It is crucial Matsigenka believers have the full foundation of God’s truth for them to remain steadfast and confident in the transforming love of Jesus!
The Matsigenka people live in 34 communities with a total population of 23,000.
60% identify as Christian; 40% as animist. Many who identify as Christians also entertain animist notions.
The Matsigenka Bible Translation is a nine-year project and will result in the first translation of the entire Bible into any language of the Peruvian jungle.
About the Matsigenka Bible Translation
- The Bible Society is collaborating with the Matsigenka churches to produce the first ever translation of the Old Testament and a fully revised New Testament.
- The entire translation of God’s Word will enable the Matsigenka people to develop the life-forming habit of reading the Bible in their own language. It will also strengthen their cultural identity and preserve their language.
- Further, the project powerfully impacts family and community life among Matsigenka people by using training seminars to teach followers of Jesus how to read, internalize, and be transformed by the truths of the Gospel.
“I don’t understand Spanish, so this Bible is like a light to me!”
~ Matsigenka Sunday School student