word@work Issue 1 | 2023: Your gift of God’s Word empowers women

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Empowering Women Through God’s Word

“When I read the Bible I see love,” says Farah. “And I’ve learned that God loves me for who I am.

Life in many parts of the Middle East is not easy for women. The local culture often leaves very limited space for women to contribute to society outside their homes. A woman is expected to clean, cook, and raise the children by herself.

Estimates by the World Health Organization indicate that about 30% of women worldwide have been subjected to violence in their lifetime.1

The Bible presents a different and more robust picture of what a woman can be — and what God created women to be. God’s Word shows women they are made in the image of a God who loves and cherishes them. The Bible’s message gives dignity to women.


That is why you can have such a dramatic impact on the lives of women by helping provide them with Bibles along with the support of other women in Bible studies. Farah, a woman who lives in Arab Israel, recently discovered this hope.

“When I read the Bible I see love,” says Farah. “And I’ve learned that God loves me for who I am.”

Together, we have an opportunity to help empower more women through God’s Word and offer the comfort and hope that comes from knowing God, even in the most difficult situations.


1. who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women

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