Caring for the souls in long-term care

God’s Word delivered by audio player

Many elderly people wrestle with a range of debilitating developments and emotions as they live out the last chapters of their lives. As their bodies begin to impose significant limitations on strength and movement, their spirits also come under siege.

Yet almost no one is truly beyond reach. Audio Scripture passages, familiar Christian music, and beloved hymns can add greatly to the spiritual and emotional well-being of vulnerable people.

In 2020, CBS launched a national program aimed at providing support to individuals in long-term care homes, presented in ways accessible to a range of frail elderly. Those supports take the form of audio Scriptures and music delivered through specialized audio devices and selected print materials.

Thank you, donors!

People gave generously to fund the pilot phase of the project, allowing CBS to expand the program well beyond its initial goals.


    • 200 nursing and care homes were interviewed for the pilot phase, both Christian and municipal/government organizations.
    • 50 homes were selected to receive the initial supply of 1,000 devices.
    • By the end of February 2021, devices were in use in 31 homes, with the remaining 19 starting their engagement in June.
    • Powered by donor gifts, the project moved into Phase 2. By mid-summer, 200 homes and facilities should be enrolled, with 2,000 devices available to them.
    • Chaplains and activity directors gave feedback on helping the elderly use the MegaVoice players that quickly helped us improve the program.

What we have heard from residents and caregivers in homes:

I love it. With my vision issues I don’t have to use a magnifier, I can just press the buttons.” – Calgary, AB

If I am upset or depressed, I can just put it on, put my head back and listen. I am honoured that I was chosen to have it.” – Elmira, ON

One chaplain said: “I have been praying for 10 years for something like this – an audio Bible in an easy-to-use device.

A resident who wanted to read the Bible struggled with limited vision and concentration. He described the audio Scriptures as “fantastic – I’m hungry to listen more. It’s the best thing I’ve ever been given.” – London, ON

“I have a resident who is 100 years old. She is mostly blind and deaf, but the earbuds work great for her where she can hear the Bible being read to her. She told her daughter how excited she was to finally be able to hear the Bible.”

– Chaplain Elizabeth Guilluame-Koene, Bowmanville, ON

Thank you to all the long-term care residents and staff who shared these inspiring stories, expressing our heartfelt gratitude to the Canadian Bible Society supporters who make this ministry possible. 

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