Condolences on the Passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

The Canadian Bible Society is an interconfessional organization serving the church across the denominational spectrum in Canada. CBS partners with the Roman Catholic Church in Canada to make the Scriptures available to Catholics across Canada. The United Bible Societies has an agreement with the Vatican and an MoU with the Catholic Biblical Federation to collaborate on matters of Bible translation and distribution.

On the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, CBS offered the following condolence message to their Eminence Cardinal Collins and Cardinal Lacroix, the two Catholic church leaders CBS has been working with.

On behalf of the board and staff of the Canadian Bible Society, we extend our sincerest condolences to all members of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada and around the world, on the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Our hope and prayer is that in this time of sorrow and loss, the Roman Catholic Church will be upheld by the power of the Holy Spirit and comforted by the prayers of the faithful.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had a profound impact on the Roman Catholic Church throughout his papacy and brought with him deep insights as a theologian, pastor and Christian thinker during his time as Cardinal Ratzinger and as prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

We are grateful that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI invited members of a Canadian delegation, composed of representatives of Indigenous communities, Catholic dioceses and religious communities in Canada, for a private meeting following his morning General Audience on April 29, 2009, to discuss their experiences with the Indian Residential Schools. This was a harbinger of future outreach by his successor, Pope Francis, and helped pave the way for further steps in reconciliation.

At the Canadian Bible Society, we are grateful that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had a deep and abiding respect for the Bible and that his Christology was formed by his covenantal theology of the New Testament and the unity of the Bible in its entirety. His view of the Bible will influence many generations to come and enhance the ministry of the Church that he loved so much.

The passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will be a huge loss and we offer you our prayers, compassion, and support.

Requiescat in pace, Pope Emerit

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