Hope for Victims of Sexual Exploitation

In the next 24 hours, 68,000 people worldwide will be illegally trafficked for forced labour and sexual exploitation. 71% of them will be women and girls.
Human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and child marriage devastate millions of women and children every year. These are crimes against humanity and most of these victims live without hope, and desperately need to know there is a loving God who can heal them and give them purpose.
The abuse plunges them into suffering and creates deep rooted trauma and despair. “I was 15 years old when I was forced to marry a 45-year-old man. I felt too young to get married. My days were filled with tears.” – Amina, Ghana
Today, four initiatives in three countries – Ghana, Cameroon and Guatemala are rescuing victims from the bondage of sexual exploitation, and the Word of God is restoring lives.
40% of girls in Ghana are sexually exploited before the age of 13.
A quarter of all pregnancies in Cameroon occur while still in school.
Of the 50,000 trafficked victims reported in Guatemala, almost 60% are children.
Four Bible Society initiatives are reaching over 40,000 victims with the good news.
Project Esther
Project Esther fights the exploitation, shame, mistreatment, and social exclusion of girls. It supports the victims and potential victims of sexual exploitation, restoring their dignity and empowering them to build their lives on biblical values.
Cameroon ranks as one of the worst countries in the world in which to be a woman. Due to a growing sex market, girls as young as twelve frequently suffer physical violence, rape, contempt, poverty, HIV/AIDS, and drop out of school due to pregnancy.
Project Esther works alongside medical and social services to help victims regain self-confidence and dignity through Biblical counselling, study, and prayer.
This project focuses on reaching teenage mothers, victims, and potential victims, distributing Bibles and Scripture portions and reducing the number of girls who engage in sexuality at an early age.
Your support can help girls heal from trauma and use newly acquired life and business skills to begin a new Word-based life.
Rescue Mission for Vulnerable Teenage Girls
Rescue Mission for Vulnerable Teenage Girls liberates them from prostitution and potential prostitution by providing life skills development, leading to a transformed and healthy life.
In Ghana, the government has called child prostitution “rampant and out of hand.” Before they are even teenagers, many girls are lured into prostitution due to poverty, peer pressure, broken homes, and sheer ignorance.
Rescue Mission liberates vulnerable teenage girls from prostitution and potential prostitution by providing life skills and leading them to discover God’s truth about themselves
Through Scripture distribution and counselling ministries, Rescue Mission equips vulnerable teens to make informed decisions and discover God’s guidance and power to live a healthy life.
95% of rescued girls are involved in Scripture engagement programs. Most of these young girls actively engage with God’s Word. 60% willingly leave the sex trade and publicly share their testimonies with their peers.
Story Based and Audio Trauma Healing
Story Based and Audio Trauma Healing brings the comfort and hope of God’s Word to ostracized women and children who face discrimination and abuse.
Ghana has one of the highest rates of physical, psychological and spiritual violence against women, in the world.
Story-Based Trauma Healing trains hundreds of facilitators to use Scripture-based audio material to empower vulnerable women with healing and freedom.
The program distributes thousands of Bibles and brings the light of God’s Word to some of the darkest regions of the country.
It is one of the only sources of advocacy and healing for traumatized women in Ghana and helps these marginalized and suffering women to lead a purposeful life in Christ.
Free to Live
Free to Live rescues and heals girls who have been victims of sex trafficking by presenting them with the Bible’s message of freedom and health in Christ.
Guatemala is amid a war on sex trafficking. With the highest rates of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Central America, a U.N. report states that Guatemala has “closed it eyes” to rampant child sex trafficking.
Through Free to Live, Scripture distribution and specialized workshops in temporary shelters offer transformational support through God’s Word. Free to Live reaches hundreds of young victims of sexual abuse and trafficking with the Bible’s message of hope.
Your support will help young girls aged 7 – 17 face their trauma, receive healing, and build confidence for a better life in Jesus. Their changed lives and renewed joy will encourage girls in similar circumstances to seek help, increasing the social impact of the program.
Every victim of sexual exploitation deserves to be healed completely. Your generosity today offers true hope and transformation through God’s Word for the victims of sexual exploitation in Cameroon, Ghana and Guatemala.
Every victim of sexual exploitation deserves to be healed completely. Your generosity today offers true hope and transformation through God’s Word for the victims of sexual exploitation in Cameroon, Ghana and Guatemala.