LIBERIA: Meeting the Needs of PVDs

People with visual impairment (PVDs) in Liberia face immense challenges. Unique among African nations, Liberia has never been colonized, but it recently endured a brutal civil war that contributed to a rise in poverty and disabilities. Today, 48% of Liberians live in poverty, and a staggering 99% of them are disabled.
This prolonged civil crisis in Liberia left PVDs in a desperate situation. They lack access crucial medical support, prevention, and rehabilitation programs. Further, their limited mobility and earning capacity have exacerbated their disadvantages and robbed PVDs of any hope for their future.
There is urgent need for spiritual and social care for this vulnerable population, but the healing message of God’s Word and the resources to live richer, more independent lives remain out of reach.
Almost 10% of Liberia’s population suffer some sort of vision loss. Of these, 21,000 are blind.
Meeting the Needs of PVDs will reach 3,500 marginalized, visually impaired children and adults with the good news they are valuable and can live fulfilling, purposeful lives.
“I glorify God!”
- Meeting the Needs of PVDs offers Braille and large print Bibles to the visually impaired and helps them engage with God’s Word, building hope and trust in their lives.
- PVDs also receive basic mobility equipment such as white canes and braille equipment such as slates and styli which enhance their ability to travel and better integrate into society.
- Through visitations, awareness workshops, and listening groups, this remarkable program promotes the dignity of the blind as God’s image-bearers and reduces stigma in churches and communities.
“After receiving a volume of 1 Chronicles from the Bible Society of Liberia, I rejoiced, but how I wish to preach from the full Bible in Braille!”
~ Jefferson Gbarjueway, visually impaired evangelist
Meeting the Needs of PVDs is transforming the lives in Liberia. Your generosity today will help people with visual disabilities encounter the love of Jesus through his Word and empower them to fuller participation in community.
Meeting the Needs of PVDs is transforming the lives in Liberia. Your generosity today will help people with visual disabilities encounter the love of Jesus through his Word and empower them to fuller participation in community.