THAILAND: Scripture in Thai Sign Language

In Thailand, the Deaf are one of the most overlooked and least reached people groups in the country. Because most are born into all-hearing families that do not sign, hearing-impaired Thai people live extremely lonely lives with no one to communicate with them. For children in poor families who cannot afford school, they rarely learn Thai Sign Language (TSL).
Amid these difficult circumstances, churches are trying to reach the Deaf community with the good news that God’s loves them. However, the lack of TSL Scriptures for church leaders and hearing-impaired followers of Jesus is hindering spiritual growth and understanding of the gospel.
Sign language is the heart language of the Deaf community, even for those who are also literate. A TSL Bible is desperately needed to help Deaf Thai people receive God’s love, integrate with the church family, and reach their God-given potential.
With over 375,000 Deaf individuals, the Deaf community is the second largest group with disability in Thailand.
Less than 1% of hearing-impaired Thai people have been introduced to the gospel.
Only 2% of Deaf Thai people complete secondary education.
Scripture in Thai Sign Language
- Scripture in Thai Sign Language is a fourteen-year project to provide the hearing-impaired in Thailand access to the life and teachings of Jesus by producing and distributing a TSL Bible.
- This powerful program has increased the church’s awareness of the needs of the Deaf, helped pastors expound the Bible more accurately and profoundly, and enabled the church to establish a sustainable ministry to the Deaf.
- Scripture in Thai Sign Language is also helping the hearing-impaired learn TSL, fostering a deeper understanding of the Gospel among the Deaf and enabling hearing-impaired Christians to share their faith within their community.
“Working on the Thai Sign Language Bible has helped me grow closer to God and experience peace and satisfaction in my life.”
~ Chaiya, translator for the TSL Bible project
Thanks to Scripture in Thai Language, the Deaf community in Thailand can “hear” God’s Word in their own heart language. Your generosity today will allow many hearing-impaired Thai people to experience the love and comfort of God for the first time.