Season 2: Episode 9 | Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey | The Powerful and Restorative Nature of the Scriptures

Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey | Guest
Senior Minister
Parkdale United Church (Ottawa)

Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling | Interviewer
Canadian Bible Society
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Today’s guest is Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey of Parkdale United Church, Ottawa. During this engaging conversation, Anthony is interviewed by CBS Ambassador Andrew Stirling on topics about Scripture, pastoral leadership, the need for the Church in Canada, as well as Anthony’s passion for issues of justice and racial reconciliation.
Anthony Bailey is the lead minister of Parkdale United Church in Ottawa. Originally from Barbados, Anthony has lived and served in various parts of Canada, in Kenya and Jamaica. Anthony has academic degrees in social work, theology, philosophy of religion and ethics and culture. He has training in hospital ministry and has taught pastoral counselling at the McGill University joint theological colleges and at the theological college of the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica. Anthony is also an occasional lecturer at the Ottawa School of Theology and Spirituality and has been a guest lecturer at Queen’s University School of Religion.
Anthony Bailey is a sought-after preacher, speaker and worship/workshop leader throughout North America and the Caribbean. He has been awarded the Dreamkeepers’ Martin Luther King Jr. Life Achievement Award for Racial Reconciliation and the Order of Ottawa.
Learn more about Anthony Bailey:
Reverend Doctor Andrew Stirling was the Senior Minister of Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church in Toronto, one of Canada’s largest United Church congregations and was responsible for leadership and administration at Timothy Eaton from 1998 until his more recent retirement. Overseeing staff, providing visionary leadership, acting as the public representative of over 1,500 members and managing a dynamic and ever-evolving ministry to the city of Toronto and beyond.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Law from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, a Master of Divinity from the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax, Nova Scotia and a Doctor of Ministry in preaching from Acadia Divinity College, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. In 2008, Wycliffe College, Toronto, recognized his contribution to preaching with an honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Andrew is now also the Ambassador for the Canadian Bible Society building relationships with churches, academic institutions and individuals across Canada.
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