Scripture Untangled
Season 5: Episode 1 | Philip Yancey | A Best-Selling Author’s Search for Grace and Meaning

Philip Yancey | Guest

Lorna Dueck | Interviewer
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Philip Yancey
Philip has been guiding millions of readers with his books such as, Disappointment with God, and Where Is God When It Hurts? His books have garnered 13 Gold Medallion Awards from Christian publishers and booksellers. Philip currently has more than 17 million books in print, published in over 50 languages worldwide.
For Philip Yancey, reading offered a window to a different world. So, he devoured books that opened his mind, challenged his upbringing and went against what he had been taught. In doing so, a sense of betrayal began to engulf him. In his words, “I felt I had been lied to. I realized that God had been misrepresented to me. Then cautiously, warily, I returned, circling around the faith to see if it might be true.” Those discoveries about God and more are contained in Philips recent memoir, Where the Light Fell, where he takes us on a journey from strict fundamentalism to a search for grace and meaning.
Yancey worked as a journalist in Chicago for some twenty years, editing the youth magazine Campus Life while also writing for a wide variety of magazines including Reader’s Digest, Saturday Evening Post, National Wildlife, and Christianity Today. In the process he interviewed diverse people enriched by their personal faith, such as President Jimmy Carter, Habitat for Humanity founder Millard Fuller, and Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice movement. In 1992 he and his wife Janet, a social worker and hospice chaplain, moved to the foothills of Colorado. His writing took a more personal, introspective turn even as his activities turned outward. “Writing is such an introspective act that I found myself looking for ways to connect with the planet bodily. My interests include skiing, climbing mountains, mountain-biking, golf, international travel, jogging, nature, theology (in small doses), politics, literature, and classical music.”
Learn more about Philip Yancey:
Lorna Dueck
Lorna was a regular commentary writer on faith and public life in Canada’s leading national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, and is a frequent media commentator. She has travelled the world reporting on church-led response to humanitarian crisis.
Lorna earned a Master of Arts in Evangelism and Leadership from Wheaton College. She has received honorary doctorate degrees from Trinity, Tyndale and Briercrest Universities. Lorna has received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for contributions to Canadian society.
Lorna and her husband Vern live in the Toronto suburbs, have been married over three decades, and delight in the adventures of their grown son and daughter.
Learn more about Lorna Dueck
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