Scripture Untangled
Season 5: Episode 4 | Clare Williams | Race, Faith and the Word of God

Clare Williams | Guest
Speaker, Tutor | Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics

Andrew Ollerton | Interviewer
The Bible Course & The Bible: a story that makes sense of life
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Listen/watch Clare Williams, founder of GET REAL being interviewed by British and Foreign Bible Society’s Rev. Dr. Andrew Ollerton about how race and faith interact, within the scope and space of Christianity, and some of the issues that raises today.
Clare Williams
Clare Williams completed her undergraduate degree in English Language and Literature at The University of Oxford, Jesus College and then worked as an English teacher and senior leader in various South East London schools for 10 years. She is a speaker and tutor at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA). Her work focuses upon questions of race, justice and culture, and what the Christian message has to offer these contested issues. Clare has served in various church roles such as singing in worship, youth work, evangelism, outreach/training and community projects, and lives in Hampshire with her family.
Learn more about Clare Williams
GET REAL Website:
YouTube: @getreal7863
Dr. Andrew Ollerton
Andrew Ollerton is a theologian, pastor and popular communicator. He has experience leading churches and is a theologian who makes complex ideas simple. He works with the Bible Society and developed The Bible Course, an eight-session guide to the big story of the Bible for small groups. Andrew is married to Charlotte and they have three kids, two fish, a snake and a dog.
Learn more about Andrew Ollerton:
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