Scripture Untangled
Season 6: Episode 3 | Carolyn Arends | What Is God Trying to Say to You Right Now?

Carolyn Arends | Guest
Singer, Songwriter, Speaker, Author

Joanna la Fleur | Interviewer
Speaker, Podcaster, TV Host, and Communications Consultant
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Listen or watch singer/songwriter, author and Director of Education for Renovaré, Carolyn Arends being interviewed by Joanna la Fleur in this episode of Scripture Untangled. Carolyn talks about the role of Scripture in her life and different ways to engage with Scripture – prayerfully reading of Scripture, imaginative entering into Scripture and meditation on Scripture. They also discuss the honesty, realness and faithfulness that Carolyn weaves into her songs, and her efforts to listen, wake up and pay attention to God’s little calling cards. Her hope is that her latest album, Recognition helps other people wake up to all the ways God is making overtures, whispering and reaching out to us. What are the ways we can open ourselves up to God to heal and transform us, to make us whole and holy?
Carolyn Arends has released 14 albums (including two brand new projects, Recognition, and In the Morning) and is the author of 3 critically-acclaimed books. 15 of Arends’ songs have become top 10 radio singles on the Canadian pop and US Christian charts. Carolyn has earned 2 Dove Awards, 3 Juno Nominations, and was recognized as the West Coast Music Awards’ Songwriter of the Year. Her prose has been recognized by The Word Guild, The Evangelical Press Association and The Canadian Church Press Awards.
In addition to her busy touring and speaking schedule, Carolyn has been a regular columnist for Christianity Today, Faith Today, and CT Women, and has served as an adjunct professor at a number of universities. She has a degree in Psychology and English from Trinity Western University and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Regent College. She lives in Surrey, BC with her husband, Mark, and their young adult children Benjamin and Bethany.
Carolyn is currently the Director of Education for Renovaré, a far-reaching organization that encourages and nurtures spiritual renewal. She continues to be available on a select basis for speaking, retreat facilitation, concerts, worship leading and songwriting and performance seminars.
Learn more about Carolyn Arends:
Instagram: @carolyn_arends
Facebook: @CarolynArendsOfficial
Joanna la Fleur
Joanna la Fleur is a speaker, podcaster, TV host, and communications consultant. With a Business Communications degree and a Master’s in Theological Studies, she has been helping the Church communicate the best news in the world for over 15 years.
You can catch her interviews with Christian creatives and communicators on the Word Made Digital Podcast, communications training on the Word Made Digital Tutorials and her Bible teaching on the national TV show, See Hear Love.
She acts as an advisor to the Institute of Evangelism at Wycliffe College and is newly appointed to the Board of Governors at Tyndale University.
Learn more about Joanna la Fleur:
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