Scripture Untangled
Season 8: Episode 10 | Dirk Gevers | What if You Didn’t Have Access to the Bible?

Dirk Gevers | Guest
Secretary General | United Bible Societies

Andrew Stirling | Interviewer
Ambassador | Canadian Bible Society
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Watch or listen to Rev. Dirk Gevers, the Secretary General of United Bible Societies (UBS) being interviewed by Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling. In this episode they discuss Dirk’s early years and how he encountered the love of God as a teenager, which set him on a course to discovering a call to ministry. Dirk fulfilled various regional and national church leadership positions including CEO of the Bible Society of South Africa for eight years prior to serving in his current role as the UBS Secretary General where he provides strategic leadership to member Bible Societies in their mission to enable the Word of God to reach and speak to people’s hearts.
Rev. Dirk Gevers
Dirk Gevers is the Secretary General of United Bible Societies, providing strategic leadership to the global membership organization. Before taking up this role, Dirk was CEO of the Bible Society of South Africa (BSSA) for 8 years and was with BSSA for 15 years. He has fulfilled various regional and national church leadership roles throughout his ministry. In recent years he has served the Fellowship as Vice-Chair of the Global Council and Executive Board, and Chair of the Solidarity Fund Oversight Group. With global experience working across diverse cultural and confessional contexts, Dirk brings both a strong theological background and a passionate focus on unlocking access to the Bible for people everywhere.
Learn more about United Bible Societies.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling was the Senior Minister of Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church in Toronto, one of Canada’s largest United Church congregations and was responsible for leadership and administration at Timothy Eaton from 1998 until his more recent retirement. Overseeing staff, providing visionary leadership, acting as the public representative of over 1,500 members and managing a dynamic and ever-evolving ministry to the city of Toronto and beyond.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Law from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, a Master of Divinity from the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and a Doctor of Ministry in preaching from Acadia Divinity College, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. In 2008, Wycliffe College, Toronto, recognized his contribution to preaching with an honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling is now the Ambassador for the Canadian Bible Society building relationships with churches, academic institutions, and individuals across Canada.
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