Scripture Untangled
Season 9: Episode 5 | Paul S. Williams | Reading the Bible: A Turning Point in Coming to Faith

Paul S. Williams | Guest
Chief Executive | British and Foreign Bible Society

Andrew Stirling | Interviewer
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Watch or listen to Paul S. Williams, Chief Executive of the British and Foreign Bible Society being interviewed by Canadian Bible Society Ambassador, Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling. In this insightful episode, Paul shares about the incredible work of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and how many other Bible Societies like ours, are seeing a significant increase of people discovering and wanting to read and explore the Bible. In his work with many groups across the world, he is seeing that the Bible isn’t an obstacle but rather a key factor in people coming to faith.
Paul S. Williams
Paul S. Williams is Chief Executive of the British and Foreign Bible Society Bible Society having previously worked for over a decade in business in London and then as an academic theologian at Regent College, Vancouver, where he holds a Research Professorship of Marketplace Theology and Leadership.
Paul brings prayerful and critical consideration, leadership expertise, and a background in economics, business, political philosophy and theology to the Church’s missional engagement with contemporary culture. He is the visionary behind ReFrame a video-based course that helps connect the big story of Scripture to daily life and work. His recent book, Exiles on Mission: How Christians Can Thrive in a Post-Christian World explores the experience of living as Christians in the 21st century and provides a missional understanding of post-Christendom Christianity, alongside constructive tools to help readers understand culture and form a missional response.
Paul is married to Sarah, and they have two adult daughters.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling was the Senior Minister of Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church in Toronto, one of Canada’s largest United Church congregations and was responsible for leadership and administration at Timothy Eaton from 1998 until his more recent retirement. Overseeing staff, providing visionary leadership, acting as the public representative of over 1,500 members and managing a dynamic and ever-evolving ministry to the city of Toronto and beyond.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Law from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, a Master of Divinity from the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax, Nova Scotia and a Doctor of Ministry in preaching from Acadia Divinity College, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. In 2008, Wycliffe College, Toronto, recognized his contribution to preaching with an honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling is now the Ambassador for the Canadian Bible Society building relationships with churches, academic institutions and individuals across Canada.
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