Episode 6 | Charles Price | Three Questions to Ask When Studying the Bible

Rupen Das

Charles Price | Guest

Author, preacher, pastor
Rupen Das

Andrew Ollerton | Interviewer

The Bible Course & The Bible: a story that makes sense of life

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How do we read the Scriptures for all they are worth? For Charles Price, it is a lifetime of slow, thoughtful reading of the Bible. By understanding that the Bible is true, but asking how it points us to THE truth, Jesus himself, the text becomes more alive and applicable no matter where you are in your journey.

Charles Price

Charles has preached in over 100 countries on every continent and is the author of 8 books, some of which have been translated into a variety of languages. Originally from England, he was the Principal of Capernwray Bible school in the North of England for many years. Charles was Lead Pastor with The Peoples Church in Toronto, from 2001 to 2016. The weekly congregation doubled to over 4,000 attending each Sunday during his time there.

Learn more about Charles Price: charlespriceministry.org

Andrew Ollerton

Dr Andrew Ollerton is a theologian, pastor and popular communicator. He has experience leading churches and is a theologian who makes complex ideas simple. He works with the Bible Society, and developed The Bible Course, an eight-session guide to the big story of the Bible for small groups. Andrew is married to Charlotte and they have three kids, two fish, a snake and a dog.

Learn more about Andrew Ollerton: andrewollerton.com

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