Episode 11 | Melinda Estabrooks | How the Scriptures Can Give You Strength

Rupen Das

Melinda Estabrooks | Guest

Host & Executive Producer
See Hear Love
Rupen Das

Joanna la Fleur | Interviewer

Speaker, podcaster, TV host, and communications consultant

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The pandemic shook up all of our lives, including how we meet together as the Church. For Melinda Estabrooks and her family, it pushed them deeper into the Word. While her career puts her under a literal spotlight, it was in these quiet moments, connecting in community that the Scriptures have come more alive than ever.
Melinda Estabrooks

Melinda is a Canadian television host, podcaster, speaker and executive producer of See Hear Love. Melinda’s career in Canadian broadcast TV and radio spans over two decades and she has a passion for sharing Christian faith and the love of God with her audience. She has an inspiring personal story of being adopted twice and her love of Scripture.

Learn more about Melinda Estabrooks: seehearlove.com/cohosts-and-contributors/melinda-estabrooks

Joanna la Fleur

Joanna la Fleur is a speaker, podcaster, TV host, and communications consultant. With a Business Communications degree and a Masters in Theological Studies, she has been helping the Church communicate the best news in the world for over 15 years.

You can catch her interviews with Christian creatives and communicators on the Word Made Digital Podcast, communications training on the Word Made Digital Tutorials and her Bible teaching on the national TV show, See Hear Love.

She acts as an advisor to the Institute of Evangelism at Wycliffe College and is newly appointed to the Board of Governors at Tyndale University.

Learn more about Joanna la Fleur: joannalafleur.com

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