Episode 2 | Vijay Krishnan: Faith is Caught, Not Taught

Rupen Das

Vijay Krishnan | Guest

Lead Pastor
The Well

Rupen Das

Joanna la Fleur | Interviewer

Speaker, podcaster, TV host, and communications consultant

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Vijay is a pastor in the Toronto area who started out his career in marketing, before feeling the pull towards church leadership. He loves to communicate about Jesus in clear language to skeptical people. In this episode he discusses his own influences in discovering the Bible for himself, how he reads it regularly, and his approach to teaching it to others.

Vijay Krishnan

Vijay Krishnan is the Lead Pastor at The Well. Vijay and his wife Jennifer were part of the group who “planted” The Well in 2005 and in 2009, he left his career in business to join the pastoral staff.

Growing up as a pastor’s kid, the church was always a big part of Vijay’s life. However, during his university years and subsequent corporate work experience, he discovered that for most people the church was an obstruction (not a pathway) to finding God. There were countless stories of individuals who were sincerely seeking God but encountered hypocrisy, hurt, irrelevance and boredom. Years later, when God opened a door for Vijay and his family to plant a church (The Well), they jumped at the opportunity.

Learn more about Vijay Krishnan: thewell.ca/people/vijay-krishnan/

Joanna la Fleur

Joanna la Fleur is a speaker, podcaster, TV host, and communications consultant. With a Business Communications degree and a Masters in Theological Studies, she has been helping the Church communicate the best news in the world for over 15 years.

You can catch her interviews with Christian creatives and communicators on the Word Made Digital Podcast, communications training on the Word Made Digital Tutorials and her Bible teaching on the national TV show, See Hear Love.

She acts as an advisor to the Institute of Evangelism at Wycliffe College and is newly appointed to the Board of Governors at Tyndale University.

Learn more about Joanna la Fleur: joannalafleur.com

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