Scripture Untangled

Season 4: Episode 6 | Andy Steiger | Finding Answers When Questioning Faith

Rupen Das

Dr. Andy Steiger | Guest

Founder and President

Apologetics Canada

Rupen Das

Lorna Dueck | Interviewer

Lead Consultant

Lorna Dueck Creative

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Listen to Dr. Andy Steiger, founder and president of Apologetics Canada being interviewed by seasoned journalist Lorna Dueck discuss this generation of young people – both Christians and non-Christians alike – who have questions and are seeking truth. The challenge in Western culture is communicating the message of Jesus in a way that people can understand and appreciate.

Dr. Andy Steiger

Dr. Andy Steiger is the founder and president of Apologetics Canada (AC), dedicated to helping Christian communities grow in their faith and share their hope. Andy is the author of Reclaimed: How Jesus Restores Our Humanity in a Dehumanized World released in 2020. In 2018, The Human Project debuted at film festivals around the world and won a number of awards including Best Short Film and People’s Choice.

Andy speaks on gospel questions internationally at universities, conferences, churches, prisons, and coffee shops. Between his 20 years of experience as a pastor and his completion of a PhD at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, Andy brings both experience and research to his work.

He currently lives in Abbotsford, British Columbia with his wife, Nancy, and their two boys.

Learn more about Andy Steiger




Lorna Dueck

Lorna was a regular commentary writer on faith and public life in Canada’s leading national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, and is a frequent media commentator. She has travelled the world reporting on church-led response to humanitarian crisis.

Lorna earned a Master of Arts in Evangelism and Leadership from Wheaton College. She has received honorary doctorate degrees from Trinity, Tyndale and Briercrest Universities. Lorna has received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for contributions to Canadian society.

Lorna and her husband Vern live in the Toronto suburbs, have been married over three decades, and delight in the adventures of their grown son and daughter.

Learn more about Lorna Dueck



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