Scripture Untangled

Season 5: Episode 3 | Cardinal Collins | A Cardinal’s View on the Positive Effects of Reading Scripture

Cardinal Collins

Cardinal Collins | Guest

Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto, Canadian Cardinal of the Catholic Church

Lorna Dueck

Lorna Dueck | Interviewer

Lead Consultant | Lorna Dueck Creative

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Listen/watch Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins being interviewed by well-known journalist Lorna Dueck. Cardinal Collins talks about the power of Lectio Divina – the contemplative and transformative practice of reading, praying with and meditating on Scriptures – and how engaging with the Scriptures not only impacts us personally but also positively affects the people around us. 

Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins

His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins is one of only 16 people in all of Canadian history to be appointed by the Pope to serve at the College of Cardinals. Cardinal Collins has served as a priest in Canada for 50 years, celebrating his golden jubilee in that role in May of 2023. 

Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins, Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto (Canada) is a Canadian Cardinal of the Catholic Church. He was the Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto from 2007 to 2023.  

Ordained a priest in 1973, he holds a BA and MA in English, and a BA in theology. While studying in Rome, specializing in sacred Scripture and the Book of Revelation, he received his Licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in 1978 and a Doctorate in Theology from the Gregorian University in 1986. 

He has also served as Chancellor of the University of Saint Michael’s College and the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto, and Chair of the Board of Governors of Saint Augustine’s Seminary and of the Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary. 

Learn more about Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins:

Lorna Dueck

Lorna was a regular commentary writer on faith and public life in Canada’s leading national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, and is a frequent media commentator. She has travelled the world reporting on church-led response to humanitarian crisis. 

Lorna earned a Master of Arts in Evangelism and Leadership from Wheaton College. She has received honorary doctorate degrees from Trinity, Tyndale and Briercrest Universities. Lorna has received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for contributions to Canadian society. 

Lorna and her husband Vern live in the Toronto suburbs, have been married over three decades, and delight in the adventures of their grown son and daughter. 

Learn more about Lorna Dueck 



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