Scripture Untangled

Season 6: Episode 1 | Andy Bannister | What Is the Difference Between the Bible and the Quran?     

andy bannister

Andy Bannister | Guest

Director | Solas Centre for Public Christianity

Speaker and Author

Andrew Ollerton

Andrew Ollerton | Interviewer

Author | The Bible Course & The Bible: A story that makes sense of life

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Listen or watch author, speaker and apologist, Andy Bannister being interviewed by author and theologian, Andrew Ollerton. They discuss the difference between the Bible and the Quran, and how to answer questions about the Christian faith and really lean into the tough ones. Andy also talks about his latest book, How To Talk About Jesus Without Looking Like An Idiot, an accessible, practical, down-to-earth book on Evangelism and how to adopt Jesus’ approach of asking questions and listening very closely.
Dr. Andy Bannister

Andy Bannister is the Director of Solas Centre for Public Christianity an evangelism and training organization based in Scotland (but covering the whole of the UK) and is a highly sought after speaker, writer, and broadcaster. From universities to churches, cafes to pubs, schools to workplaces, Andy regularly addresses audiences of Christians and those of other faiths or none on issues relating to faith, culture, politics and society.

Andy holds a PhD in Islamic studies and has taught extensively at universities across Canada, the USA, the UK and further afield on both Islam and philosophy. He is also an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology and is also Adjunct Faculty at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. His latest book is How To Talk About Jesus Without Looking Like An Idiot. Andy also hosts two podcasts, PEP Talk and Pod of the Gaps and presents the Short Answers video series for Solas.

Learn more about Andy Bannister:

Dr. Andrew Ollerton

Andrew Ollerton is a theologian, pastor and popular communicator. He has experience leading churches and is a theologian who makes complex ideas simple. He works with the Bible Society, and developed The Bible Course, an eight-session guide to the big story of the Bible for small groups. Andrew is married to Charlotte, and they have three kids, two fish, a snake and a dog.

Learn more about Andrew Ollerton:

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