Scripture Untangled
Season 6: Episode 5 | Max Jeganathan | Happiness vs Joy

Max Jeganathan | Guest
Senior Research Fellow | Centre for Public Christianity
Adjunct Speaker | Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics

Lorna Dueck | Interviewer
Lead Consultant | Lorna Dueck Creative
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Listen or watch Max Jeganathan, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Public Christianity and Adjunct Speaker for the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics being interviewed by seasoned journalist Lorna Dueck. Max talks about how happiness comes and goes but Christian joy holds regardless of what’s happening. He describes the Bible as a theological document/declaration, not a political one. “It’s the way God communicates to us about who He is and who we are, and how He wants us to relate to Him and to one another.” he says. Max also talks about sin being something that we are, that it’s not based on performance. “Sin is actually an intrinsic brokenness, that explains a break in relationship with God, a relationship that we were all made for.”
Max Jeganathan is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) and an Adjunct Speaker for the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA). He has spoken in businesses, universities, and legal and political institutions, including the University of Oxford, Imperial College, advisers in Canada’s National Parliament, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Samsung, Lego, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, and Amazon.
Born in Sri Lanka, Max’s family moved to Australia as refugees in the mid 1980s. He has worked as a lawyer (civil litigation) and a political & policy adviser in the Australian National Parliament. Max was educated at the Australian National University and the University of Oxford and is currently undertaking a PhD in Law. He speaks on the intersection between ethics, faith, culture, economics, law, finance, and technology. Max lives in Sydney with his wife Fiona and their three young children.
Learn more about Max Jeganathan:
Lorna was a regular commentary writer on faith and public life in Canada’s leading national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, and is a frequent media commentator. She has travelled the world reporting on church-led response to humanitarian crisis.
Lorna earned a Master of Arts in Evangelism and Leadership from Wheaton College. She has received honorary doctorate degrees from Trinity, Tyndale and Briercrest Universities. Lorna has received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for contributions to Canadian society.
Lorna and her husband Vern live in the Toronto suburbs, have been married over three decades, and delight in the adventures of their grown son and daughter.
Learn more about Lorna Dueck
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