Scripture Untangled

Season 6: Episode 9 | Charlie Lyons | What Kind of Spiritual Care Do Political Leaders Need?      

charlie lyons

Charlie Lyons | Guest

Ontario Spiritual Care Provider | Leading Influence
Joanna la Fleur

Joanna la Fleur | Interviewer

Speaker, Podcaster, TV Host, and Communications Consultant

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Watch or listen to Rev. Charlie Lyons, affectionately called ‘Charlie the Chaplain’, who serves as the Ontario Spiritual Care Provider with Leading Influence being interviewed by Joanna la Fleur. Charlie provides spiritual care in the form of non-partisan chaplaincy and pastoral services to members of the Provincial Parliament and their staff at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. He is a friend who wants to help these leaders flourish, and recognizes that there are times that they, like others who have high stress jobs need rest and rejuvenation. Charlie tries to bring that refreshment and prays for them and with them, for personal and professional concerns – for wisdom, discernment, and patience.  
Rev. Charlie Lyons

Rev. Charlie Lyons is an ordained minister who has more than 15 years of experience in various pastoral and parachurch ministries. He has worked in national outreach to Canada’s youth and pastoral ministry and has also enjoyed serving on the Boards of multiple Canadian faith-based organizations. Charlie is an ordained minister with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada. He and his wife, Lindsey, reside in Brantford, Ontario, with their three children.

Learn more about Charlie Lyons:


Joanna la Fleur

Joanna la Fleur is a speaker, podcaster, TV host, and communications consultant. With a Business Communications degree and a Master’s in Theological Studies, she has been helping the Church communicate the best news in the world for over 15 years.

You can catch her interviews with Christian creatives and communicators on the Word Made Digital Podcast, communications training on the Word Made Digital Tutorials and her Bible teaching on the national TV show, See Hear Love.

She acts as an advisor to the Institute of Evangelism at Wycliffe College and is newly appointed to the Board of Governors at Tyndale University.

Learn more about Joanna la Fleur:

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