Scripture Untangled
Season 7: Episode 8 | Rupen Das | Does God Really Speak Through Scripture Today?

Rupen Das | Guest

Lorna Dueck | Interviewer
Lead Consultant | Lorna Dueck Creative
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Rev. Dr. Rupen Das is the President of the Canadian Bible Society and has come to CBS with considerable senior management experience both in Canada and internationally.
Most recently, Rupen was seconded by the Canadian Baptist Ministries to Lebanon and Europe where he was involved in theological education and managing humanitarian responses to refugees. Prior to that Rupen was professor and program coordinator for Humber College’s International Project Management post graduate program. He has held senior management positions with World Vision Canada and World Vision International. His consulting assignments have been with various non-governmental organizations, international agencies, the Canadian Government, and the Canadian military.
Rev. Dr. Rupen Das is a missiologist who has researched and written on various aspect of contemporary Christian missions, especially issues that concern the Global South. He is the author of several books. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, a 21st Century Fellow in the UK, and adjunct faculty at Eastern University in the US. Rupen earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Acadia University in Nova Scotia and is Research Professor at Tyndale University in Toronto. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of the United Bible Societies.
Rupen and his wife, Mamta, have two adult children, who are married with families.
Learn more about Rupen Das:
Lorna was a regular commentary writer on faith and public life in Canada’s leading national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, and is a frequent media commentator. She has travelled the world reporting on church-led response to humanitarian crisis.
Lorna earned a Master of Arts in Evangelism and Leadership from Wheaton College. She has received honorary doctorate degrees from Trinity, Tyndale and Briercrest Universities. Lorna has received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for contributions to Canadian society.
Lorna and her husband Vern live in the Toronto suburbs, have been married over three decades, and delight in the adventures of their grown son and daughter.
Learn more about Lorna Dueck
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