Scripture Untangled
Season 8: Episode 2 | Brian Stiller | A Christian Leader’s Testimony of Faith

Brian Stiller | Guest
Author | An Insider’s Guide to Praying for the World

Andrew Stirling | Interviewer
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Dr. Brian C. Stiller
Dr. Brian C. Stiller (born 1942) is Global Ambassador for the World Evangelical Alliance and lives with his wife Lily in the Toronto, Canada area.
Stiller was raised in a Pentecostal minister’s home on the Prairies. Educated at the University of Toronto (BA in History), Wycliffe College (Master of Religion), and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Doctor of Ministry), he has received honorary doctorates from Briercrest College and Trinity Western University.
Following graduation, the Stillers moved to Montreal (1967) where he served as director of Youth for Christ, then as director of Toronto YFC, and finally as Canadian president of Youth for Christ (1975-83).
In 1983, he was appointed president of EFC. This provided him with a national profile as a voice for people of biblical faith. Within months of his appointment, he founded and became editor-in-chief of EFC’s national magazine, Faith Today and in time opened the EFC Office of National Affairs in Ottawa. By way of Cross Currents, a weekly national television current events program, as well as other media, his analysis increasingly was heard by Canadians at all levels of leadership.
In 1997 Brian became president of Tyndale University College & Seminary; leading the school through major restructuring. During his tenure Tyndale received university status from the Ontario government, a 56-acre campus was purchased, and a major capital drive lifted the schools into a new era of growth. In 2009 Stiller retired and was named president of the Tyndale Foundation where he served for two years. In July 2011, he was appointed Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance.
He is the author of 12 books. The most recent are An Insider’s Guide to Praying for the World and From Jerusalem to Timbuktu: A Global Tour of the Spread of Christianity.
His life mission comes from the time King David was rebuilding Israel. One group assisting him was described as those “who understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32).
Learn more about Brian Stiller:
Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling was the Senior Minister of Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church in Toronto, one of Canada’s largest United Church congregations and was responsible for leadership and administration at Timothy Eaton from 1998 until his more recent retirement. Overseeing staff, providing visionary leadership, acting as the public representative of over 1,500 members and managing a dynamic and ever-evolving ministry to the city of Toronto and beyond.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Law from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, a Master of Divinity from the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and a Doctor of Ministry in preaching from Acadia Divinity College, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. In 2008, Wycliffe College, Toronto, recognized his contribution to preaching with an honorary Doctor of Divinity.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling is now the Ambassador for the Canadian Bible Society building relationships with churches, academic institutions, and individuals across Canada.
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