The Bible in the hands of people
We distribute over 500,000 Bibles a year in Canada, many of them to people with little or no access to God’s Word. Worldwide, in places where Christianity grows exponentially, 1.8 billion people have received the Scriptures thanks to supporters like you.
Distributing the Bible is an act of justice, compassion and mission
We put Scriptures in the hands of people worldwide, often free of charge.
By sponsoring a Bible, you help impoverished communities, or people living in countries with few resources, under severe restrictions or repression.
In many places, new believers come to faith but have no access to a Bible of their own.
You help God’s Word grow in the hearts of people
Driven to Distribute
The communities we serve have a wide range of needs, and we provide Scriptures in print, audio, video, and other digital formats to help them hear God speak. The stories of millions of people looking for hope and searching for purpose inspire us to press on.